Table of contents
Flexbox is one dimensional layout method for laying out items in rows or columns. Item flex to fill additional space and shrink to fit into smaller space.
The Flex Model
Convert your div (class =parent ) to Flex
.parent {
display: flex;
Flex Direction
The flex direction property specifies the direction of the items within the flex container.
Note : Row is default for web.
flex-direction : row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
Flex Wrap
It defines whether the flex item are forced in a single line or can be flowed into multiple lines depending on screen size. It persist the width of elements.
flex:200px; //set min width of 200px flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; //flex-flow: row wrap
Two axis of flexbox
Main- Axis = Defined by flex direction;
Cross-Axis = Runs perpendicular to main-axis;
Justify Content
Control where the flex items sit on the main axis.
i. flex-start ii. flex-end iii. center iv. space-between
Space around distributes all the items evenly along the main axis with a bit of space left at either end.
Align Content
Control where the flex items sit on the cross axis.
align-item : stretch; //default 1) flex-start 2) flex-end 3) center 4) space-between 5) space around
Align Self
You can also position a particular item inside flex container
align-self: auto | stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | baseline | initial | inherit
Ordering of the items with flex container.
Order of an item is relative to the rest of the container
By default :
order :0; //for all flex items
Note :- negative value come first; more positive value come last.
The flex grow property specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items insides the same container.
Note :- Works on ratio
The flex shrink property specifies hoe the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container
Flex basis
Sets the initial main size of a flex item.
flex-basis: 200px;
Note : flex => shorthand property of above three
flex: 1 0 200px;
/*Three values: flex-grow | flex-shrink | flex-basis */
/* Two values: flex-grow | flex-basis */
flex: 1 30px;
/* Two values: flex-grow | flex-shrink */
flex : 1 1;